Title: GGS 670 Introduction to Atmosphere and Weather CRN: 73954 Time: 04:30 pm-7:10 pm, Tuesdays, 08/28-12/20/2017 Location: Exploratory Hall 2312 Instructoris: Prof. John Qu and Dr. Xianjun Hao Telephone: (703) 993-3958 and (703)993-9322 Office: Room 2412, and room 3412, Exploratory Hall Office Hour: Stop by 2:00-4:00PM Mondays or make appointment
Course Description
This course will introduce the students to the fundamental principles upon which the atmospheric sciences are based and to provide quantitative description and interpretation of the wide range of atmospheric phenomena with an emphasis on sub-synoptic scales (i.e. weather and regional scale climate). One of the main goals of this course is not only to provide the basic knowledge of fundamentals of the atmosphere science and weather, but also to prepare students for the science of climate. This course is designed for both science majors and non-majors taking their first course in atmosphere science. We will focus on energy meteorology in Fall 2017. PrerequisitesCollege Math (such as MATH 214) and physics (such as PHYS 262), or permission of instructor.
Final project Weather and atmosphere science related final presentations and final term papers are encouraged. Grading
(A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=<60) Textbooks
Required Textbook: Recommended References: